
Virtues Of Fasting In The Month Of Muharram

The Fast of every day of Muharram is equivalent to the Fasts of one month.

(Tabarani, Mu’jam al-Saghir, Vol. 2, Page 87,  Hadith 1580)

» After Ramadan, the Fast of Muharram is the most superior, and the most superior Salah after the Fard Salah is Salat al-Layl (i.e. Nawafil offered during the night).

(Sahih Muslim, Page 591, Hadith 1163)

» Whoever fasted for three days, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, during the month of Muharram, the reward of two years’ worship will be recorded for him.

(Tabarani, Mu’jam al-Awsat, Vol. 2, Page 219, Hadith 1789)

» Whoever fasts three days, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, during the holy months (i.e. Dhul-Qa’dah, Dhul-Hijjah and Muharram), the reward of 900 years’ worship will be recorded for him.

(Ghazali, Ihya Uloom al-Deen, Vol. 1, Page 237)

» Whoever fasts three days, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, during the holy months (i.e. Dhul-Qa’dah, Dhul-Hijjah and Muharram), Allah will bless him with the reward of 700 years’ worship.

(Bayhaqi, Fada’il al-Awqat, Vol. 1, Page 538, Hadith 289)

Allah ﻋﺰﻭﺟﻞ Aap par Fazl farmaye !
جزاك الله خيرا… For reading
ﺻَﻠُّﻮْﺍ ﻋَﻠَﯽ ﺍﻟْﺤَﺒِﯿْﺐ
ﺻَﻠَّﯽ ﺍﻟﻠّٰﮧُﺗَﻌَﺎﻟٰﯽ ﻋَﻠٰﯽ ﻣُﺤَﻤَّﺪ
(صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم)

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